Friday 11 March 2016

First time on the podium!

So I finally did it!
I stood on the box!
Great feeling I must admit. It did not come easy, but not as hard as I thought it would be.
I know, for some it is only a baggy shorts race in Galway, but for me it's a big thing. To be on the podium in any kind of a competition for a first time in my age, it means a lot to me. I do train hard, when I can, but for a working father, a training session sometimes is not a top priority, so I take this prize with a great pride.
How I did it? 
It's true that you win races with your mind first and then your body.
We were supposed to travel a day early like last year, but unfortunately it didn't work out. Instead it was just me and my better half up and down in one day. I'd say having my wife there at the finish line, was one of the contributing factors. The weather was not playing ball. It was only three degrees and it didn't stop raining for a moment. I knew that's not necessarily a bad thing for me. Most of the winter training for me was in similar conditions, so I knew how to handle the bike and my body. How to stay warm and not to overheat at the same time. Just before the race started I done a short lap, and I got drenched, but I got a chance to check how wet and slippery the trails were. I adjusted tyre pressure and was ready to go.
At the start line I recognised a rider from last race, a young and fit looking guy with UCD jersey, who I couldn't catch in Ballyhoura, we had a short chat, and it was time to go. As usual I was far from the front, but I knew from last few races, that it does not really matter. Before the end of the first climb I was third. Just keep it going, I thought. After a single track climb my new friend in UCD jersey overtook me again, just like in Ballyhoura. Here we go again, I thought to myself. Then, out of the blue I thought what Maja Wloszczowska recently said: "It ain't over till you cross the finish line, fight till the end, don't look for excuses". I decided to do just that. I kept on the back wheel of my new friend the whole time, and before long the gap between us and the first two guys was quite big, but I also noticed that the guy behind me was getting slower. I decided to stay behind my friend, and keep pushing him, whenever I could. Keep the pressure on, and maybe I'll get to overtake him. That strategy prove to be good, every time we caught up to someone from super pros, he shouted to make way and I followed close behind. It felt good, we were going really fast compared to a few of the lads. When we got to more technical descents I noticed that I had to brake more than I needed to, in order to stay behind my race buddy. I knew that my bike can go a good bit faster than that, but I decided to stay behind, and use this opportunity to catch my breath. It wasn't until the last fire road, when I decided to go in a front, and only because I saw that my opponent is slowing down to get an energy gel or a bar. I seized the moment, locked my suspension and stood on the pedals. In moments like that, I can really feel how much help the oval chain ring is. Few moments later, I was in front. I could see the guy who came first in front, but he was long way away. At this moment I thought it was only about ten minutes left in the race and most of it is downhill and boardwalks. I knew I was tired, but I felt adrenaline pumping, when I unlocked the fork and the shock. I was going down fast, still hard on the pedals, the bike was glued to the trail. Even though it was quite wet, the Spider never lost a traction, I was able to push into the berms as hard as I wanted with no skids. Now, no one in front of me, I could go my own pace. I still had to slow down to overtake couple of super pros, but I knew that my friend is further and further behind. When I reached the last stretch of a fire road, my wife was there, almost in shock, shouted "You're third!". At least I think that's what she said, because I could not understand anything she said. I think my brain was just flushed with adrenaline. 
It was a great idea to give us the trophies straight after the race, because five minutes later, when I got back to my senses, my brain realised what's happening to my body, and it was like a fire alarm in a big building. There was signals of distress coming from every muscle on my body and I started to realize how cold it actually was. I was walking back to the car, and I wasn't able to take a single drink of my coffee, and I must have spilled almost half of it, my hands where shaking so much.
As I said I am delighted that I was able to finally got onto the podium, and I'm especially happy that I was able to do it without any energy gels or other performance enhancers. I race and train only fuelling my body with food and water, sometimes adding lemon juice and salt to keep electrolytes topped up. 
So now, bring on Ticknock, let's see what I can do this time!

Once again, I'd like to thank everybody for a huge support I get from all of you! It really means a lot.

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